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We protect your personal information. Details you provide during registration will be kept confidential and used only to inform you about the Pan-Canadian Tobacco Proceedings. We won’t share your information without your consent, except as required by law or as necessary for the claims process. For more, see our Privacy Policy.

You may register on this page by scrolling below. You may also register by calling 1-888-482-5852, by downloading the Fillable Registration Form on the Documents Page and sending it by email at, or by mail at the following address:

Tobacco Claims Agent
c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada Inc.
P.O. Box 507 STN B
Ottawa ON K1P 5P6

Who has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer, Throat Cancer or Emphysema/COPD (GOLD Grade III or IV) attributable to smoking cigarettes? Please check one (1) of the options below: